2023 Blog Posts

How to Manage Diabetes During the Holidays

By: Maria Paula Criado on December 05, 2023

Navigating the holiday feasts while maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. For those with diabetes who are also trying to manage their blood sugar, it can be exceptionally challenging. Maria Paula Criado, Registered Dietitian at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, shares tips to help manage diabetes and healthy weight during the holidays.

Talking to Kids about Breast Cancer

By: Sara Rivero-Conil, PsyD on October 25, 2023

Women diagnosed with breast cancer who have children face the additional challenge of having to explain the situation to their children. This can be difficult and even traumatic. Considering that, it’s important to handle the discussion with care.

Navigating Trick-or-Treating and Children’s Food Allergies

By: Jorelis Frias, MD on October 19, 2023

For children with food allergies and their parents, trick-or-treating can be scary, but we've got tips on how to navigate the Halloween festivities.

6 Ways to Prevent the Educational 'Summer Slide' in Your Kids

By: Saneya H. Tawfik, PhD on June 06, 2023

All kids look forward to summer and the break from school that it provides. When it comes to their education, however, there can be a drawback: summer learning loss, also sometimes referred to as "the summer slide". Luckily, there are simple strategies parents can use to prevent the summer slide.

The Importance of Reading to Your Kids

By: Saima Aftab, MD on May 04, 2023

Child development experts have long known the importance of reading and talking to your young children to give them a leg up in their academic development and other crucial milestones in life. It builds your baby’s brain and helps them on their journey to communicating and reading themselves earlier on.

How Your “Dad Jokes” Can Keep Kids Healthy

By: Vanessa Molina Santamaria on April 13, 2023

When Dad cracks another one of his corny jokes, the family often groans and may even describe the joke as “painful.” Ironically, the latest research seems to indicate the opposite to be true: Dad jokes may be good for your children’s health.

How to Eat Healthy Amid Rising Food Costs

By: Tania Koerber, RDN, CSP, LD/N on March 08, 2023

Rising food costs are prompting consumers to get creative with their grocery-buying habits. This may be an ideal time to rethink how you spend your food dollars, with a focus on making budget-savvy and healthy choices simultaneously!

How Social Media Impacts Our Children’s Mental Health

By: Melanie Suaris, MD on February 14, 2023

Tablets and smartphones are a present and growing part of our daily lives. If you’re a parent to tweens or teenagers, their use of technology and social media is likely a primary concern. As social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram rise in popularity with our children, it’s relation to mental health has come to the forefront.

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